Our Core Values
1. We're service first, not sales first

We don’t sell our clients things they don’t need. We focus on our clients success, and bring industry best practices and solutions to bear to help them achieve it. We also start with the basics, and then layer on business specific needs.
2. Contracts Are Optional

Sign up with us, and get started*. It’s that simple. We always offer terms for customers that require them. Come try us out, and we’ll be happy to work something out (discounts for term, volume, bundling, etc).
3. We guarantee what we deliver is helpful for you and your business

We pride ourselves in delivering services that are useful to business. If it’s not, then we’ll cancel/change/refund as necessary.
4. We provide self-service and automation wherever possible

We have public pricing whenever possible. We have self-signup for our products and services whenever possible. We provide a web-based (self-developed) portal for all of our customers.
5. We have the internal skill set to deliver services and technologies.

We’re a team ranging from software, infrastructure, and networking architects, to software developers to support and telephony/collaboration specialists. We host our own infrastructure in world class data centers, complete with our own IP address space.
We don’t offer any service or product that someone in our core team does not design, build, implement, and/or support.
This means we can support your business from your internet connection to your cloud applications and everything in between.
6. We bring world class services to even the smallest of organizations

Self-employed? One computer or one phone?
No problem, our minimum is one.
We offer the industry’s best practices and solutions utilized by Fortune 100 to businesses of any size.
Support, infrastructure, networking, security, telephony, collaboration, and cloud. We can do it all.
* A one-time, non-refundable, setup fee may apply. Customers without custom terms or agreements agree to pre-pay for all service. Customers without terms or other agreements, agree to be auto-subscribed (and charged) based on their usage or service